Solar farm boom leading the bust in prime agricultural land use will be difficult to reverse

Solar farm boom leading the bust in prime agricultural land use will be difficult to reverse. In most of the world’s poorest nations, and where most people are in agricultural work, the impact of climate change will be far greater, according to a recent report from the United Nations, due to double-digit increases in temperature and drought, as well as more storms, drought, and floods, combined. “That’s the nature of climate change: if you get too close, it gets worse,” said Bill Grosbard, chief scientist with the Climate Reality Project. “We’re running out of this resource.” The authors of the report — a team of around 20 researchers across 22 countries, which was funded by the U.S. government — note that the global demand for food alone in the next decade may exceed current global food production. The researchers estimate that 1,250 to 1,500 million tons of food will be needed by 2050, “which equates to more than a third of the current world supply.” It is hard to see how anyone in the global food system — farmers, consumers, scientists, and policymakers — can afford the climate risks, even in the short term. The report’s authors call on everyone to start thinking about climate change in a holistic way, as part of a wider effort that will reduce the impacts of all sectors of society: for example, by switching to low-input agricul마사지 후기ture, focusing on increasing renewable energy sources, and using more effective methods of managing climate chan예스 카지노ge, such as clean energy, efficient use of resources, and a strong sense of stewardship. Their proposal is to be included in the UNFCCC negotiations to be held this November in Pa카지노ris. A climate-smart country? But the report’s authors warn that such a vision is likely to be at odds with the way climate policy is currently formulated in many countries around the world, with much emphasis on environmental sustainability, and an inability to see how other factors are going to affect the availability of agriculture- and energy-based services. “We haven’t managed to put the climate side of agriculture in an environment that has a broad enough distribution to allow us to respond to this very complex situation,” said Grosbard. The authors argue for an all-of-the-above approach, where resources are distributed around the world in the interests of increasing the food supply, and using them efficiently for human needs.

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