Law Abiding Citizen Ending Reddit

It`s stupid like it`s a really good movie, but the ending just didn`t make sense😂😂😂, thanks for the help, even though I thought the ending was a bit ridiculous and wanted Jamie Foxx to eat it too. Edit: You can devalue me as much as you want, but the end is null and you know it. For what it`s worth, I think the ending works. Clyde surrendered thoroughly to vigilant justice and had to be overthrown by his own judicial system. He even taught Nick to leave the system by doing so. Is it a perfect thematic or realistic ending? Not necessarily, but it makes sense in terms of the story being told. I love it, and the way Butler plays Clyde, you can see that he knows he`s screwed in those last moments of his life. Almost a welcome release on his face, knowing that one monster will be removed from the world and a spark of humanity will be lit in another. He wouldn`t have died because he has a family that has been on screen longer than Butler`s family. That is why he would live. Less family time, probably trying to change his way of being, MAYBE it would have worked if he was alive. But as they had, it blew.

Good movie, but terrible ending. I have arguments about the end, the beginning and the middle For me, it`s not like Jamie won. It was how anticlimactic the end was. Yes. I thought Butler`s character might have died happy because he was foiled on that point. It`s the thought that helps me think that the end wasn`t great. I don`t like the ending and I`m not sure I can properly explain why. Until the end of the film, Sheldon is undoubtedly a brilliant brain with an IQ probably close to Einstein. The things he does are nothing short of a miracle. Then he foolishly blows himself up.

It`s so stupid it`s amazing. If it was a Category A movie instead of an infusion of Category B Death Wish, then I wouldn`t mind as much (assuming it dies in a less stupid way). So I just saw law-abiding citizens and the end makes sense, but somehow not lol at all. In the latest explosion, Clyde is obviously dead, but what about all the other prisoners in prison? Aren`t they dead too? I know it`s an old movie, but if someone could explain it to me, it would be very grateful!! In the end, it seems sadder to have been beaten and finally not several steps forward. That didn`t really emphasize the fact that Rice “had to be brought to Sheldon`s level.” Frankly, it would have been a significant improvement over the end. Not the unrated directors cut (I don`t know how that differs). And I must say that I did not like the ending. It didn`t make much sense to me that Foxx`s character was essentially the villain throughout the film, and it`s only in the last five minutes or so that he decides he`s learned a lesson, and then emerges victorious in the end. I see a lot of comments like this and I have to say that the movie wasn`t really good even before the end. The script and dialogues are really bad, I`m surprised the movie is as popular as it is. Many of these mistakes seem to me to be Hail Marys for the writer who wrote in a corner. They made Clyde too smart, so they had to enlist a friend of a colleague to give a hint.

The bomb was supposed to close the end because they couldn`t figure out how they wanted to end it. 50/50 was the same for me. I loved this movie until its horrible end. I didn`t know what to expect in this movie, so let me sum it up: it was a good movie. It was really, I enjoyed it. But the end? No, not so much. My main problem with the ending of this movie is that I feel like Jaime Foxx hasn`t learned his lesson. He cheats on Gerald Butler and then watches his daughter`s dance concert.

His “win” over Butler is cheap and undeserved. That being said, this photo of him looking at his daughter`s bracelet as the fire was going to consume him was pretty cool. Up to the 80-minute mark, it`s one of the greatest action thrillers of all time. A true masterpiece. Yes, the ending ruins it, but every time I look at it again, I stop when the mayor enters the scene and I am satisfied. Someone here has already had a very good point about the ending we had, and the possible involvement of Jamie Foxx in making that ending happen. I wish I could find it, but the noise-to-signal ratio is too high in this movie. This is a myth.

There were several people who wanted a different ending, all this Jamie Foxx did it because his ego is, I understand it`s always the system that`s broken because Rice finishes things vindictively rather than legally, but it could have been so much better. What`s wrong with Reddit`s fascination with this film? The third act/ending was just disappointing. Nick has made some changes, but presumably he`s still the DA. He can leave him behind by doing business with murderers and killing Clyde. He was promoted, maintained his high conviction rate and has his family. His friends died and it`s tragic, but he came out better on the other side. A guy who let a murderer and rapist get away with only 3 years in prison and an accomplice for the actions of the guy he made the deal with. Nick was really a bad guy and lost a few friends, but he still won in the end, even though he was the one who really deserved to lose everything.

I watched this today on Netflix after seeing it trending, and I`m ngl i rooted to Butler lol. I wanted Foxx to die, really, so badly that the ending ruined a pretty decent movie for me. I came here to talk about law-abiding citizens, but I feel justified in knowing others exactly as I did for 50/50, haha. I thought Foxx was going to have a tantrum and I demanded that his character “win”, so they changed the ending. This ending would have made Foxx`s character realize how he felt a certain way, and would also have highlighted the mistake that had upset him. The execution of the ending was poor, but the concept itself was right and fit the themes of the film. There is always a reward for your actions. That`s exactly what happened to Butler`s character. Your version of the ending is a little closer to what I originally imagined. Clyde manipulates the system to his advantage to expose his mistakes and use it against Nick.

The guy murdered so many innocent people. This was completely against his own agenda. If Butler had lived, I think it would have been a much shittier ending. It`s an ending that doesn`t make thematic sense, but only exists to be edgy and controversial to look different. This movie is constantly mentioned as a crappy ending because Jamie Foxx changed the script, but I never see sources for that. I even used the old Google Fu itself and searched all over Reddit, but still haven`t found a real source. Can someone help me and find the origin of this idea? Anyway, the fact is that the ending seems to be the ending that has always been written. Really, I can`t see it ending any differently. Maybe someone can help me find out if this is the case or not. I agree. I was unhappy with the ending. Maybe the editing of the directors is different.

Overall, I really enjoyed it. I described it as SAW if it didn`t rely on a lot of gore and had a very, very good plot and good characters. It has a crappy end period. Butler should have won. In fact, I think he should have eliminated Jamie and maybe even his family. He took this deal to his daughter`s murderer without asking Butler. Besides, aren`t you sick to death from happy Hollywood endings that have been spoon-fed to you as if you`ve been a mere idiot all your life? Jamie`s character wasn`t even very well acted or assignable, Butler was MUCH more sympathetic to the viewer and very assignable, especially to any father or mother. I agree.

Honestly, I felt that the film was correct, but flawed until the end. Anticlimactic and precipitate.

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