Marco Legal Del Servicio Social De Enfermeria

1 REGULATIONS OF THE NURSING SOCIAL SERVICE I.- PRESENTATION Social work is a mandatory phase of the nursing career program, through which the trainee applies the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the three years he studied in our educational institution and continues his professional preparation this year. At the same time as he pays society for what he has received in his school career and makes direct contact with the community in which he will provide the social service, he can be provided free of charge or receive a scholarship, depending on the nature of the task. The trainee nurse`s social service is carried out in the health units of the first and second levels of care for a period of one year continuously with a daily shift of six hours in the morning, varying the activities performed; This document provides guidance on rights, obligations and administrative procedures applicable to the provision of social services. Social work in the field of nursing envisages, with its main academic objective, the strengthening and updating in the provision of nursing care, in the fields of nursing, administration, research, management and teaching. Legal Bases for the Development of Social Service Academic Training Programs of Human Resources for Health, Get Out. (a) Political Constitution of the United Mexican States (articles 4 and 5). (b) General professional law. (c) the provisions of general professional law. (d) Secretariats and law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(e) Health Code of the United Mexican States. (f) Rules of Procedure of the Ministry of Health and Support (g) Regulations on Social Services (SEPyC) (h) Regulations on Social Services of the Institution. II.- OBJECTIVES OF SOCIAL WORK – Strengthen the academic and practical preparation of trainees through continuous academic activities. – Train in the student the feeling of social solidarity, provide a social service that results in quality care – Participate in programs carried out in the health unit where they have been assigned. 5 pp. The CESGAC registers the student social service in the SEPyC with a letter of assignment and acceptance, which must contain the general data of the student and the host unit, accompanied by a copy of the order letter issued by the health service, which is returned to the CESGAC within a maximum of 15 working days; duly endorsed and signed by the person directly responsible for the social service of the institution where the social service is provided. 7. The trainee receives the unit, the final report of the previous trainee, the stationery, the equipment necessary for his duties and begins his social service. 8.

The trainee has 5 calendar days at the beginning of the promotion to appear before the National Health Service if, for legitimate reasons, he did not appear on the day indicated for the draw; Otherwise, you will be automatically excluded from this social service action. PROCEDURE FOR THE RELEASE OF TRAINEES IV.- CONDITIONS FOR EXEMPTION FROM SOCIAL SERVICES. 1.- Every two months, the trainee must draw up a report on the activities carried out during his social service and submit to CESGAC the original and the copy, duly stamped and signed by the institution where he provides his social service. 2.- At the end of your social service, you will prepare a final report, original and 2 copies, which must be stamped and signed by the head of the social service of the health unit to submit to CESGAC, attaching the following documents: a) Copy of birth certificate b) Copy of Kardex or global certificate c) Copy of the order letter issued by the Health Service d) Release from social service issued by the State Health Services 3.- The health service will inform the trainee of the conditions that must be met for his dismissal. 4.- Once the social service is completed, the health institution will issue the letter of dismissal of the social service, which the intern will submit to the national health services, attaching part of the final report, and they will issue the certificate of dismissal, whose certificate of dismissal is mentioned in subsection d) of number (2) of the conditions of dismissal of the social service. 5.- This letter of dismissal issued by the National Health Service, the bimonthly reports and the final report of the activities are sent to the SEPyC in order to establish the CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM THE SOCIAL SERVICE, with which you can already carry out the procedures of your professional examination and the procedures that progress to the conclusion. Art. 4 V.- RIGHT OF TRAINEES 1.- The trainee has the right to be treated with attention and respect by his superiors, equal or subordinate. 2.- Enjoy two holiday periods of ten non-consecutive working days during the service. 3.- Take advantage of maternity leave days, as determined by the institution where the social service is provided, without affecting the payment of the scholarship (if the trainee receives a scholarship) or the calculation of the duration of service. 4.- Receive medical, surgical, hospital and medication assistance from the establishment where he provides his services.

5.- Be consulted by the competent authorities. 6.- Receive an economic scholarship, depending on the type of place awarded. 7.- Follow their professional preparation phase through a specific academic program prepared for this purpose by the Health Authority and the Education Authority. VI.- OBLIGATIONS 1.- Compliance with social service programs and regulations assigned according to the health institution where they are provided. 2.- Remain in the unit at the agreed time and until the delivery of the funds that the administration is responsible for managing. 3.- Respect their superiors, colleagues, subordinates, patients, etc. 4.- Respond to the processing of documents, values that entrust them with the execution of their activities. 5.- Immediately inform your superiors of any planned irregularities in your service. 6.- Attend meetings called by immediate bosses. 7.- Attend the meetings convened by the Department of Social Services of CESGAC (according to the attached schedule and participation in signatures) to submit their bimonthly reports. VII.- BROOM 1.- Perform other activities different from those assigned to them during their working hours.

2.- Being absent from their activities in the calendar without the appropriate authorization. 3.- Use the service for private business or outside the institution. 4.- Remove equipment, instruments, medications or other items. 5.- Committing acts of violence, ill-treatment, insults against work staff, patients, parents and colleagues. 6.- Hold meetings of any kind outside the interest of the institution within the institution where they are assigned. 2 – Provide care at the first and second levels of care to the population corresponding to the unit in which the social service is presented – Carry out the health diagnosis of the community, develop a program of work and health education. – Participation in technical-administrative activities, research teachers and activities of health promotion, prevention, cure of patients and rehabilitation of the individual, family and community. – Raise awareness of community solidarity, especially in marginalized urban and rural areas where health services are sorely lacking. III.- PROCEDURES FOR SECONDMENT OF TRAINEES. 1.

Take the Introduction to Social Work course. 2. The C.E.S.G.A.C. publishes the date, time and place where the trainee must present himself at the draw of social service places sponsored by the National Health Service, for the allocation of the location of interns, the intern has the possibility to choose the health unit in our state according to the average of the grades obtained throughout his career. 3. The documents that the student must present on the day of the draw to be handed over to the National Health Service are: 1. General or Kardex certificate of the race with average (original and 2 copies) 2. Birth certificate (original and 2 copies), 3. 5 photos in child size (black and white) 4. Copy of CURP 5.

Cover letter 6. Internal letter (original and 2 copies) –The day and time, specified for printing. 4. National Health Services, gives the trainee a letter of affiliation and acceptance of social work depending on the unit in which it is provided, the student keeps the original and submits a copy to the address of the assigned health unit and two copies to CESGAC. 5. Must be presented at the date, place and time indicated by the health services for the introductory interview, in their work unit 5 7.- Participation in their activities under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or psychotropic substances. 8.- Perform immoral acts in the establishment. 9.- Leave the service without written permission to start your holiday or pregnancy license Commit reckless acts, negligence that endangers the safety of people or the service in which they are intentionally damaging the institutions, equipment, materials, furniture or objects of the affiliated establishment for personal benefit, For any type of service, within the hours and in the establishment where it provides its services Not participating in your daily work and / or meetings without legitimate reasons Violating professional ethics.

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