Legal Responsibility in Law Definition

n. One of the most important words in the field of law, liability means legal liability for one`s own acts or omissions. Failure by a natural or legal person to comply with this liability exposes him to a claim for damages resulting therefrom or to an order of execution of the court (e.g. in case of breach of contract or violation of law). In order to win a case, the plaintiff (plaintiff) must prove the defendant`s legal liability if the plaintiff`s allegations prove to be true. This requires proof of the duty to act, the breach of that duty and the connection (direct cause) of the omission with harm or damage to the claimant. Liability also applies to alleged offences where the accused may be responsible for his or her actions that constitute a criminal offence, so that he or she will be convicted and punished. Example: Jack Jumpstart crashes a stop sign in his car and meets Sarah Stepforth as she crosses the crosswalk. Jack owes a duty of care to Sarah (and the public), which he violates through his negligence, and is therefore responsible for Sarah`s injuries, which gives him the right to take legal action against him. However, Jack`s father owns the car and he too can be held liable to Sarah, based on a law that makes a car owner liable for damage caused by the vehicle he owns. The father`s responsibility is based on “legal responsibility”, although he has not personally breached any obligation. A signatory of a promissory note is responsible for the money owed if it is not paid, as is a co-signer who guarantees it. The contractor who has agreed to complete a building is liable to the owner if he does not finish on time.

The definition of obligation in law refers to the responsibility to obey the actions agreed in a contract, promise, law, oath or vow.3 min read In the original sense, the notion of obligation referred only to the responsibility to pay money described in the terms of specific written documents. To be considered an obligation, the document had to be signed under seal. In today`s legal world, the obligation refers to the obligation to participate in a particular act on the basis of their consent to another party or in accordance with the law. Legal responsibility is the right to have and make decisions about a child`s well-being and development. Both parents are legally responsible for their child unless: Guide FA 1.1.P.17 Parental Responsibility, 1.1.P.19 Parenting Order, 1.1.P.20 Education Plan, 1.1.P.21 Parenting Plan (registered) Responsibility is the fact or state of responsibility. It is the state of being responsible, accountable or liable, as with a trust, debt or obligation. The term has many other meanings such as reliability, reliability, loyalty, fidelity, efficiency, competence, righteousness, firmness, stability, ability, responsibility, responsibility, guilt, obligation, trust, office and duty. For example, if A is responsible for certain tasks, this means that A must justify the actions, consequences of the actions, and situations related to that task to a recipient. The person responsible is responsible for his own acts and, under certain conditions, also for the acts of other persons for whom he is vicariously responsible. For example, employers are responsible for certain actions of their employees. Another jurist, John Salmond, explained that an obligation refers to morality or laws that command or compel a person to perform an action.

The obligation takes effect on the basis of the sanctions applicable in the event of non-compliance with the conditions. In the current legal system and in current legal documents, the obligation is defined individually or precisely. However, scientists often apply their own definitions depending on their legal situation and systems. For example, French judges could define the obligation as legally binding rules between the parties describing the requirements to perform or not to perform an act. Obligation is the moral or legal obligation that obliges a person to perform, as well as possible sanctions for non-performance. An obligation is also a duty to do what is imposed by a contract, promise or law. In the most general sense, duty is synonymous with obligation. When it becomes more technical, the obligation refers to the commitment that obliges a party to perform a task, perform an action or pay a sum of money required in accordance with the customs and laws of the country in which the agreement was concluded. In the most technical definition, obligation refers to a sealed instrument. In Black`s Law Dictionary, the obligation is a moral or legal obligation to do or not to perform an action. Some jurists, including Fredrick Pollock, argue that obligation is another word for duty. The legal meaning of the obligation under ancient Roman law claims that obligations are the link of vinculum juris or legal necessity between at least two persons or parties.

According to the Ethiopian Civil Code, Book IV refers to obligations but does not contain a specific definition. Like French judges who apply Article 1101 of the French Civil Code, Ethiopian judges apply the principle of an obligation based on legal circumstances.

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