What Are the Corporate Form of Ownership

State regulation of businesses: While federal regulation has had a significant impact on corporate law, most regulation takes place at the state level. State law largely defines the duties of directors[41], the shareholder voting process[42], the procedures for amending articles of association and certificates[43] and other areas essential to good corporate governance. [44] The acquisition of complementary products motivated Adidas` acquisition of Reebok. As Adidas CEO Herbert Hailler explained on a conference call: “This is a unique opportunity. It`s a perfect fit for both companies because the companies complement each other so much. Adidas is based on athletic performance with products such as a motorized running shoe and advertising deals with superstars such as British footballer David Beckham. Meanwhile, Reebok plays a lot on merging sports and entertainment with promotional offers and products from Nelly, Jay-Z and 50 Cent. The suit could be deadly for Nike. Of course, Nike has continued to succeed, but Hainer can`t be blamed for his optimism.11 Taxation: An LLC is considered a “flow-through entity” for tax purposes. This means that business income through the corporation goes to LLC members who report their share of profits or losses on their individual tax returns.

The LLC entity is only required to file an informative tax return that resembles the character of the partnership. Single-member LLCs are authorized to report business expenses on Form 1040 Schedule C, E or F. LLCs with more than one member typically file a 1065 Declaration of Partnership form. While they don`t require incorporation documents, there may be restrictions on the naming of a partnership in your state that may require filing a “Doing Business As” (DBA) name. Partnerships are generally based on formal partnership agreements that define each partner`s share of ownership, rights and obligations. In June 2013, Shoppers Drug Mart, Canada`s largest pharmacy chain, merged with Loblaw, Canada`s largest grocery retailer, to complete a $12.4 billion transaction. Instead of reducing each other`s market share, the deal allows both companies to play to each other`s strengths. Consumers make grocery sales of approximately $1 billion annually, compared to $30 billion for Loblaw. However, Loblaw`s share of the pharmacy market is only five per cent, so the addition of Shoppers` health products and services to Loblaw grocery stores allows the grocery retailer to expand its services into what it believes is a growing sector: health, wellness and nutrition. (www.cbc.ca).

Compare this merger to an acquisition in the same year. Sobey`s acquired 200 Safeway stores in Western Canada in a $5.8 billion transaction. According to media reports, in addition to 213 Safeway grocery stores – more than 60% of which are located in Calgary, Vancouver, Edmonton and Winnipeg – Sobeys will also acquire: The profits belong to the company and are subject to corporate income tax. They can also be distributed to shareholders in the form of dividends. How do you want a legal form that offers the attractive characteristics of the three common forms of organization (company, sole proprietorship and partnership) and avoids the unattractive characteristics of these three forms of organization? The Limited Liability Company (LLC) does just that. This form offers entrepreneurs limited liability (a major advantage of companies) and no “double taxation” (a significant advantage of sole proprietorships and partnerships). Let`s take a closer look at the LLC. [47] N.Y. State Dep`t of State, Formation of a Benefit Corporation, www.dos.ny.gov/corps/benefit_corporation_formation.html, (last accessed November 11, 2018). Although they are often used as if they were synonymous, the terms merger and acquisition mean slightly different things. A merger occurs when two companies merge to form a new corporation.

An acquisition is the purchase of one business by another. Incorporation also allows companies to raise funds through the sale of shares. This is a great advantage because a company is growing and needs more funds to work and compete. Depending on its size and financial strength, the company also has an advantage over other forms of business when it comes to taking out bank loans. An established business can borrow its own funds, but when a small business needs a loan, the bank usually requires it to be guaranteed by its owners. Currently available in 18 states, serial LLCs are an emerging type of commercial property structure. Basically, they allow a parent LLC to form several internal LLCs in a subsidiary manner. These nested LLCs can be used to isolate the liability of different business entities. When you start a business, you need to decide what form of business unit you want to create. Your business form determines the tax return form you must submit.

The most common forms of business are sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations and S companies. A limited liability company (LLC) is a business structure authorized by state laws. Legal and tax considerations are taken into account when choosing a business structure. We have described the four most common corporate legal structures with considerations for each of the following, including taxes, liability, and formation of each. Ready? Five years after starting their ice cream business, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield evaluated the pros and cons of owning the business, and the “professionals” won. The main motivation was the need to raise funds to build a $2 million manufacturing plant. Not only did Ben and Jerry decide to go from a partnership to a public company, but they also decided to sell shares to the public (and thus become a public company). Their sale of shares to the public was somewhat unusual: Ben and Jerry wanted the community to own the company, so they didn`t offer the shares to anyone interested in buying a stock, but only to Vermont residents.

Ben believed that “companies have a responsibility to give back to the community from which they get their support.” [4] He wanted the business to be owned by those who lined up at the gas station to buy cones. The stock was so popular that one in a hundred families in Vermont bought shares of the company. [5] Finally, as the company continued to expand, the shares were sold nationally. No form of ownership will give you everything you desire. You have to compromise. Since each option has both advantages and disadvantages, it is up to you to decide which one offers the most important features for you. In the following sections, we compare three ownership options (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation) in these eight dimensions. Emergence of truly private companies: During the 1800s, and especially in the late 1800s, companies began to move away from the strict restrictions of their legislatary-approved charters.

[26] This change was exemplified in 1896 when New Jersey passed legislation allowing companies to define the scope of their bylaws independently of the government itself. [27] Many of the advantages of the corporate form discussed above were rapidly abused in the late 1800s. [28] For example, John D. Rockefeller`s Standard Oil Company controlled 90-95% of oil refineries in the United States. [29] Journalists like Ida Tarbell denounced John D.`s shameful methods.

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