Utah Administrative Rule R966

(1) The administrator may issue an administrative summons requesting the person or agent to provide documents for review in accordance with section 67-4a-1002 of the Act. (2) Before being issued, administrative subpoenas must be reviewed and approved by the Administrator`s general counsel or by another employee of the Administrator who is an attorney designated by the attorney general who is admitted to practice law in Utah. (4) If a person to whom the administrator issues an administrative summons brings an action for a court order to lift, restrict or otherwise prevent the execution of such administrative summons, the administrator shall apply to the Attorney General to represent the person to such extent. 5. The administrator may request the Attorney General to appoint a special deputy attorney general to represent him in any enforcement or defense action by an administrative authority. Subpoena in accordance with the law. All shipments may be returned at the subscriber`s expense against full credit of the full price within 30 days of receipt. Subscribers will receive the products listed on the purchase order and any updates made available during the annual subscription period. Shipping and handling charges are not included in the annual price.

After the order window, all updates will be automatically sent to the subscriber with an invoice at the full price then in effect on a semi-annual or annual basis as soon as the updates are available. The subscriber can expect a price increase compared to the current selling price. The selling price does not and will not include shipping and handling. If subscribers cancel between 31 and 60 days after the billing date and return the product at their own expense, they will receive a credit of 5/6 of the annual subscription price. For cancellations more than 60 days after the invoice date, no credit will be granted. In order to receive a credit, the subscriber must return all products shipped during the year at his expense within the aforementioned applicable withdrawal period. The number of updates may vary due to legislative developments and other publishing issues, but subscribers can use it as a rough estimate of future deliveries. Subscribers can call customer service at 800-833-9844 for more information. Subscribers can cancel this subscription by calling customer service at 800-833-9844; customer.support@lexisnexis.com sending emails; or return the invoice with the note “CANCEL”. If subscribers cancel within 30 days of ordering or receiving the product and return the product at their expense, they will receive a full credit of the annual subscription price. (3) The administrator may apply to the Attorney General for an action for judicial enforcement of a summons issued in accordance with the law on behalf of the administrator. Updated to Bulletin 2022-18, September 15, 2022 The subscription will automatically renew without the subscriber having to do anything.

Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2020-05, effective 1/22/2020 With the auto-renewal option, subscribers will receive a renewal notification that includes the cost of the next annual subscription at least 60 days prior to each renewal date.

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