Legal Driving Age Virginia

A parent or guardian can give instructions to their own child in the car based on prior request and approval from the DMV. At the end, you will have to go to a DMV office and pass the merchantability test to get a driver`s license. It is extremely important to know the driving laws and regulations in Virginia. It is equally important that you become a safe and responsible driver in order to keep your apprenticeship licence or driver`s licence. Remember: driving is a privilege. In case of abuse, the privilege can be revoked. Drivers under the age of 18 who receive a conviction for demerit points (including seat belt or child restraint offences) must attend a professional driving clinic. If you are under the age of 18 and receive a second conviction, the DMV will suspend your driver`s license for 90 days. After the third conviction for a demerit point that you received before the age of 18, the DMV will revoke your authorization or license for one year or until age 18, whichever is longer.

In addition, you must pass the road aptitude test. You must provide the vehicle with a valid safety sticker, licence plates, registration card and stickers, work brakes, seat belts, horn, headlights, turn signals, mirrors and technical control signs. To pass the roadworthiness test, you must provide an acceptable driving diploma or complete a driving checklist that outlines specific driving tasks you may need to perform during the marketability test. Keep out of trouble. If a juvenile is found to be an offender, a judge may issue various orders, including the suspension of a driver`s license or the imposition of a curfew on the minor with respect to the hours during which he or she is allowed to drive a motor vehicle. (Virginia Code § 16.1-278.8) In addition, a teen can lose their driver`s licence for alcohol, drug and firearms offences. (Virginia Code § 16.1-278.9) Road traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among people aged 15 to 20. While it is impossible to eliminate all accident risks, it is important to recognize that distracted driving, drowsy driving and drunk driving can lead to serious accidents. A learner`s licence allows you to operate a motor vehicle if you are accompanied by a driver 18 years of age or older who is a parent or guardian who is legally authorized to operate a motor vehicle, or if you are accompanied by a driver who is 21 years of age or older and legally authorized to operate a motor vehicle. Your companion must be vigilant, be able to help you and take a seat next to the driver. Yes. Virginia`s curfew laws prohibit drivers under the age of 18 with a learner`s license or driver`s license from between midnight and 4 a.m.

If you have a driver`s license, you are only allowed to drive at these times: comply with motor vehicle laws. Some traffic offenses are punishable by fines, revocation or revocation of driver`s license, possible jail time and/or points on your driving record. If you receive convictions for traffic violations, the courts will contact the DMV. The DMV then awards points and displays the conviction(s) in your Driver Record. If you are between 16 years, three months and 18 years of age, you can travel alongside you without a driver`s licence with your driver`s licence and a valid learner`s licence, as long as you have held your learner`s licence for at least nine months and the certificate is signed by a parent or guardian. In addition, there are restrictions for passengers. If you are under 18, you can only carry one passenger under the age of 21 in the first year you hold your driver`s licence, unless a parent (who is a licensed driver) is seated next to you. However, after holding your driver`s licence for one year until the age of 18, you can carry up to three passengers under the age of 21 when driving to and from a school-sponsored activity, when a licensed driver who is at least 21 years old is sitting in the seat next to you, or in an emergency. Passenger restrictions do not apply to family members. (Virginia Code § 46.2-334.01 (B)) After holding your driver`s licence for a period of nine months, reaching the ages of 16 and 3 months, and completing your driver training, you will receive notice of when you must appear in court for a licensing ceremony where you will receive your permanent driver`s licence.

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