Legal Aid Millionaires

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How can working for millionaires make you rich? What are the professions that serve the rich? Although they are frugal in their lifestyle, millionaires spend a lot of money on things that are important to them. This creates opportunities for others to make money by meeting those needs. The wealthy need quality advice and services – for example, accounting, tax advice, legal services, medical and dental care, education and home services. Lord Judge`s comments during an appearance before the Lords` Constitutional Committee follow a series of revelations by the Evening Standard about the huge sums of legal aid paid to millionaire defendants. Fraudster Virendra Rastogi, who received £5 million in legal aid despite owning a seven-bedroom house in Mayfair, was brought to court every day of his trial, while multimillionaire yacht owner Raymond May received more than £400,000 in legal aid. The country`s chief justice has condemned as “utterly stupid” rules that allow wealthy defendants to get millions of pounds in legal aid to give new impetus to the Evening Standard`s campaign for a change in the law. Among the millionaire suspects who received legal assistance were fraudster Syed Ahmed, who lived in his £4.5 million flat overlooking Hyde Park while receiving alms, and his accomplice Shakeel Ahmad, who lived in a £2.2 million house he owned in Middlesex. The couple, who received at least £100,000, also owned 20 other properties in the UK and the Gulf, two high-rise buildings in Dubai, and had bought cars, including a Ferrari and a Porsche. Other wealthy legal aid recipients include Mayfair real estate magnate Achilleas Kallakis.

He received legal aid, estimated by lawyers at £1 million, although he enjoyed a “super-rich” lifestyle before his conviction for a £750 million fraud. His possessions included offices in Mayfair, a house in Knightsbridge, a private jet, a yacht, a fleet of expensive cars and land in St. James` Square that he wanted to turn into the most expensive penthouse in the world. He said the reform would prevent “crime bosses from getting a free pass at taxpayers` expense” and praised the standard for revealing that “49 Mr. Bigs” received £14.3 million in legal aid in just three years. An increasing number of wealthy people are paying for the health care of their children and grandchildren, creating a lucrative market for medical professionals who work for millionaires. Many elective and specialist services are in demand, including cosmetic dentists, plastic surgeons, dermatologists, allergists, psychologists and psychiatrists, and chiropractors. Often, these expenses are not covered by health insurance.

“The principles of fairness and equality are fundamental to our justice system. It is high time to make the legal aid system fairer for taxpayers; Stop giving crime bosses a free pass at taxpayers` expense. Wealthy criminals receive millions of pounds in legal aid, an investigation has shown. M. Grayling said today, “Why should millionaires receive taxpayer-funded legal advice? This is a question that the Evening Standard has been asking for a long time. A family of millionaire travellers jailed for forcing vulnerable men to do forced labour in Leicestershire and Gloucestershire has received nearly £500,000 in legal aid. The former Director of the Public Prosecutor`s Office, Lord Macdonald QC, is among those now calling for reform of the legal aid system. Loophole: (Left to right) Asil Nadir, Raymond May, Abdullah Baybasin and Eyad Iktilat were all worth huge sums of money, but were still seeking legal assistance when they were charged in court with various crimes. In addition to personal services, independent millionaires also purchase commercial and industrial supplies and services, office space, and technology. “It`s not fair that the very rich get legal aid and the very poor don`t.” Michael Turner QC, president of the Criminal Bar Association, criticised the government for refusing to release figures that would reveal the full extent of the scandal. Between 600 and 700 wealthy accused per year whose assets have been frozen are currently receiving legal aid. The exact cost to the public is unknown due to data protection regulations, but already amounts to tens of millions of pounds.

Justice Secretary Chris Grayling said he was determined to prevent “millionaires in lavish homes” from receiving public funds when he announced new laws that will require them to pay their own legal fees in the future. In addition to lawyers, accountants play a role in the transfer of assets. Accountants who work for millionaires can be important advisors in the distribution of financial assets and other gifts, as well as in minimizing taxes. You can offer advice on estates, trustees and gifts; fiduciary services; Asset valuation; and retirement provision. Accountants can also act as co-executors (and receive a percentage of the estate). It has uncovered nearly 50 cases in the last three years in which millionaire defendants have received an average of £300,000 of taxpayers` money after exploiting a loophole in the law. “It`s stupid, isn`t it,” he told his colleagues. “We`re talking about people who have a lot of money. One of the things that is completely stupid is that when someone who is suspected of having a lot of money is charged, there is almost always a petition in court to prevent them from wasting their property. Very reasonable, but one of the conditions that is always sought and granted is the waste of assets by paying one`s own legal advisers. I think that`s totally stupid. This allowed defendants with several million pounds of houses, yachts, jets and other expensive property to be considered virtually destitute and eligible for legal aid. As it becomes more difficult to immigrate to the United States, foreigners and wealthier entrepreneurs need the help of immigration lawyers.

In addition, U.S. companies need legal advice to recruit foreign professionals and academics.

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