Juridical Definition According to Law

These sample phrases are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “legal”. The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. This action strengthens the status of the Palestinian delegation to the United Nations and could also have other legal consequences. His works are vast and deal with various subjects, but especially historical and legal. Use the adjective legal to describe something associated with the law. An accused in a trial could be described as legally advantageous if all the evidence presented appears to be in his favour; The legal result could be for a jury to find them not guilty. The Latin root of the juridical is iuridicalis, or “belonging to justice,” which in turn comes from ius, “right or law,” and dicere, “to speak.” If you choose a career in law, it means that you are aiming for a job as a judge or lawyer. Add a legal list to one of your following lists or create a new one. He will soon have to emphasize the difference between an act and an act.

Section 707(b)(2) of the Insolvency Code applies a “means test” to determine whether registration of an individual debtor under Chapter 7 is considered an abuse of the Insolvency Code requiring dismissal or conversion of the case (usually Chapter 13). Abuse is suspected if the debtor`s total current monthly income (as defined above) over 5 years, less certain legally eligible expenses, is greater than (i) $10,000 or (ii) 25% of the debtor`s non-priority unsecured debt, provided that this amount is at least $6,000. The debtor can only rebut a presumption of abuse by proving special circumstances justifying additional expenses or adjustments to current monthly income. Britannica English: Legal translation for Arabic speakers In relation to the administration of justice or the function of a judge. A legal act is an act that is in accordance with the laws and rules of the court. A legal day is a day when the courts meet. “Legal.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/juridical. Retrieved 14 January 2022. Johnson calls it a “legal word”: and I certainly have no recollection of hitting him, except in court proceedings. In this respect, the work is of interest to a much wider audience than is usually addressed in a legal treatise. The terms “bankruptcy” and “bankruptcy” refer to the application of legislation providing for such legal conditions. A charge on certain immovable property intended to guarantee the payment of a debt or the performance of an obligation.

A debtor may still be liable for a lien after debt relief. A written statement filed in court or an appeal that explains a party`s legal and factual arguments. Procedures for obtaining disclosure of evidence prior to trial. An agreement between two or more people that creates an obligation to do or not do a particular thing. Imprisonment for two or more offences to be served simultaneously and not consecutively. Example: Two five-year prison sentences and a three-year term if served at the same time result in a maximum of five years behind bars. LEGAL. Refers to use in courts; is carried out in accordance with the laws of the country and the practice observed therein. An act or process by which one person`s rights or claims are classified among those of others. Goods of all kinds, including real and personal, tangible and intangible.

A judge`s statement about a person`s rights. For example, a plaintiff may seek a declaration that a particular law, as drafted, violates a constitutional right. Written statement from a judge on the court`s decision. Since a case may be heard by three or more judges of the Court of Appeal, opinion may take various forms in appeal decisions. If all the judges agree fully on the outcome, one judge writes the opinion for all. If not all judges agree, the formal decision is based on the opinion of the majority, and a member of the majority will write the opinion. Judges who disagreed with the majority may formulate separate dissenting or concurring opinions to express their views. A dissenting opinion disagrees with the majority opinion because of the reasoning and/or legal principles used by the majority to decide the case. A concurring opinion agrees with the majority opinion`s decision, but offers further comments or clarifications, or even a completely different reason for reaching the same conclusion. Only the majority opinion can serve as a binding precedent in future cases. See also previous. A group of citizens who hear evidence presented by both parties in court and investigate disputed facts.

The federal criminal jury is composed of 12 people. The civil juries of the Confederation are composed of at least six persons. A written, verbatim record of what has been said either in a proceeding such as a trial or in another formal conversation such as a hearing or oral testimony A federal agency responsible for collecting judicial statistics, administering the Federal Court budget, and performing many other administrative and programmatic functions under the direction and supervision of the United States Judicial Conference. The rules for the conduct of a dispute; There are rules of civil procedure, criminal procedure, evidence, bankruptcy and appeal. The right as set out in previous court decisions. Synonymous with precedent. Similar to the common law, which stems from tradition and judicial decisions. A declaration by a debtor under Chapter 7 regarding plans for dealing with consumer debts secured by estate assets. Instructions from a judge to the jury before it begins deliberations on the substantive questions to be answered and the legislation to be applied. An invalid test caused by a fundamental error. If a failure is found, the procedure must begin with the selection of a new jury.

A secured creditor is a natural person or corporation that holds a claim against the debtor that is secured by a lien on the estate. The assets subject to the lien are the security right of the secured creditor. The informal name of Title 11 of the United States Code (11 U.S.C. §§ 101-1330), the federal bankruptcy law. A document that commences insolvency proceedings and contains basic information about the debtor, including the name, address, chapter under which the case is filed and estimated assets and liabilities.

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