Is It Legal to Carry a Pocket Knife in Kentucky

If you are not one of the above people who have concealed their permission to carry weapons, and if you are nevertheless accused of carrying one and you had no intention of harming anyone with it, you can defend yourself by In contrast, in Kentucky, most (but not all) private places, that are generally open to the public, ban guns, but unlike some states, Kentucky doesn`t have a specific sign required, so any sign the place displays means what it actually says. If it says No guns, that`s what it means. If it says No weapons, then includes the knife (except for a regular pocket knife or hunting knife, which are legally defined as NO weapons), I have already carried a machete throughout the city and in shops. I even spoke to a police officer who told me that we can wear anything as long as it can be seen. But I mostly wear one of my bowies. Ben: Open Carry is protected by the state constitution. You might be harassed in big cities, but it covers all weapons. Concealed carrying permits are required for all hidden weapons, but they cover ALL weapons. Knives, swords, guns, machine guns, juices, blackjacks and anything dangerous, even from a distance. I want to talk to people who have the right to a knife about how we can better clarify our law. Hi Wes; Thank you for the question; My advice is not official, so I would suggest contacting legal counsel in the state of Kentucky.

Unofficially, however, I can say that Kentucky`s definition of “lethal weapon” includes metal pegs, the hidden wearing of which would be illegal. However, according to the quote below (from, you can get a little closer to the edge of the law by wearing even a visible metal peg. However, you could get into trouble if you carry (hidden or overt) something that a judge or “ordinary citizen” would consider not to fall into the category of “hunting knives” or “pocket knives”. The question of whether a knife is a deadly weapon is important, because when certain crimes are committed with a deadly weapon, the seriousness of the crime increases. This includes crimes such as assault, burglary and robbery. There are two types of knives in Kentucky: those that are considered deadly weapons and those that are not. As long as a knife is not a deadly weapon, a person in Kentucky can carry it openly or conceal it on the body. But if it is considered a deadly weapon, there are strict rules about how a person can carry it. Yes, it is legal, but not legal, without hiding a CCDW authorization.

Kentucky is a knife-friendly state, but there are some restrictions on carrying hidden lethal weapons for those under 21. Butterfly knives are the same as illegally hiding a balsong Here is the question: Can I open a full-length sword? If so, is there a minimum age? [Note: Of all the pocket knives available on, this is my favorite everyday knife – click here to see what it`s like on I love this knife! It`s built like a tank and holds a cutting edge better than any other knife I`ve ever owned…] So, would it be legal to open a “knife” that would be much larger than any modern hunting or pocket knife if it were on the hip, say, in a sheath or sheath? Unless you have a concealed wearing permit. You can. Kentucky has much lax knife laws than many other states and allows possession of many types of knives that are prohibited elsewhere. That`s not to say Kentucky doesn`t regulate the possession and carrying of knives. Failure to comply with the law in this regard can result in criminal charges if your knife is considered a deadly weapon. From what we found, it appears that there are no clear legal guidelines on what determines the characteristics of a “regular pocket knife” or a “hunting knife” in the state of Kentucky. With these words, you would be SURE to stay within the confines of a “regular pocket knife” if you carry one of the thousands of knives that are available almost everywhere and generally meet the characteristics: (4) “lethal weapon” means any of the following: a) a weapon of mass destruction; (b) any weapon from which a shot may be fired and which could easily result in death or other serious bodily harm; (c) any knife other than an ordinary pocket knife or a hunting knife; d) Billy, Nightstick or Club; (e) blackjack or slapjack; (f) Nunchaku Karat sticks; (g) shuriken or death star; or (h) artificial joints made of metal, plastics or similar hard material; OK, I just got the word from the Lexington Ky Police Department. That it is legal to carry swords in public places. In addition, they must be treated as open firearms. So if you don`t allow yourself to open a gun or secretly carry it into a building, the same goes for swords.

The number I called to verify this was the Lexington Police Department. Non-emergency number 859-285-3600 This number is not an emergency. This information is presented as a brief summary of the law and not as legal advice. AKTI is not and cannot be a provider of legal services. Use of the Website does not create an attorney-client relationship. Laws are interpreted differently by law enforcement officers, prosecutors and judges. AKTI suggests that you consult legal counsel. No law prevents a person from possessing lethal weapons, but only makes it illegal to hide them. While Bowie and other large knives are illegal in some states, they are allowed in Kentucky. The same goes for ballistic knives, which are banned in most states.

However, there is an important exception to this rule. It is a Class D crime to open or hide a knife, which is considered a deadly weapon, on school grounds. Under this law, a person who deposits, possesses or carries a lethal weapon on a campus or public or private school property can be charged with a crime. Is wearing a Karambit illegal or simply illegal? Carrying a hidden firearm or lethal weapon is illegal in Kentucky. Thus, with the exception of ordinary pocket knives or hunting knives, all other knives are illegally hidden for transport. Certainly. Get your license to wear something to go booom! Carry anything you want, almost anywhere. Two things that are not mentioned: 1) concealed carrying of a knife other than a hunting knife or a regular pocket knife is legal in Kentucky with a concealed carrying permit (yes, Kentucky`s secret carrying permits cover all “lethal weapons”) and 2) Kentucky complies with all other secret state carrying permits (even states that do not comply with Ky permits).

Could I open a sword pretending it`s a hunting knife and make sure no one feels threatened by it? KRS 65,870 actually makes it illegal for anyone to make new gun laws except Congress. So if you put up a sign at City Hall saying that no loaded guns, they messed up Bc they made a known gun law, is not allowed. My question is about pocket clips on knives in the Kentucky.Si a knife has a pocket clip and the clip is visible outside the pocket, this is considered an “open transport”. I would like to know for sure. The coat should be perfect, one might assume, but how to distinguish a sheathed knife from a sheathed flashlight? I wonder if that would be enough to get stuck inside your pocket? The top of the knife would be visible. I own several automatic knives. I hope not to follow this path at my own risk. I own 2 karabits for self-defense because there is a lot of violent activity where I am and I wear one on the back of my belt with a jacket over it or a shirt, all I know now that it is illegal would make it legal if I kept it on the front of my clothes or is it just illegal that I would really like to know, if I come into contact with the law, also forget that I`m near Lexington KY The Kentucky Court of Appeals upheld KRS 527,020 for carrying a concealed “deadly weapon.” (The case stems from an incident that occurred in 2016, several years before the recent constitutional amendment.) .

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