Domicilio Legal En Colombia

Good evening, my next comment refers to a sentence that I found very interesting, where it refers to what the political seat is, and although it has nothing to do with the civil, because it is more constitutional law, it is one of the two classes of residence. I literally sign it below. Judgment No C-024/94, M.P.: Alejandro Martínez Caballero, twenty-seven (27) January of one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four (1994). Ref.: File No. D-350. The constitutional norm is therefore based on the general principle that everyone is free and has the right to the inviolability of his home. Individual freedom at the constitutional level should be understood as the absence of arrest, detention, detention, detention or any other form of restriction of the autonomy of the person. And the inviolability of residence is generally understood to mean respect for people`s housing, which shows that the notion of residence at the constitutional level does not correspond to its meaning in civil law. In fact, the constitutional definition of the home goes beyond the civil concept and includes, in addition to places of residence, all enclosed spaces in which people develop their private life and personality more directly through the free exercise of their freedom. The defense of the inviolability of the house thus protects more than a physical space in itself the individual in his security, freedom and privacy. The Constitution then established a strict legal reservation on matters of personal liberty and inviolability of the House, so that these rights can only be restricted by law. With regard to the acceptance or best execution of jobs for those who are occupied for a long time, it should be remembered that in the past different types of jobs were created, as in the case of judges and some civil servants, so that when accepting the post, the official was obliged to leave his residence on the spot, where he had to practice.

Today, there are no more fees that require a quote, and with the improvement of the media, a person can exercise any position, even if it is permanent, without having to move home, although it may of course be more convenient to move to the place where he performs his function, and in this case there will be his civil residence. Art. 77 of the Civil Code states that people usually live in a certain place, permanently and adhere to legal relations (they celebrate business, civil and public rights), this website is what we call the home. The domicile is the legal seat of the people, where they develop all the activities of the economic, family and legal order, that is, where they exercise their contractual rights and obligations. The domicile is conceived as a place of residence with the intention of being permanent there. In order to take into account the fact that a person has his residence in a certain place in Colombia, it is stipulated that he must take a long time for this. Residence is a legal relationship aimed at locating a person in relation to a place in the Republic. In Colombia, it is in the municipality where it is considered the residence of the people, after describing the place of residence, you can also write the Vereda or Corregimiento to give more precise dates. The Constitutional Court declares that article 89 of the Civil Code is priceless. The place of residence of a person is also that of his servants and dependants who live in the same house as him; without prejudice to the provisions of the two preceding Articles; Provided that the home is an attribute of the personality and that its autonomy is guaranteed. The intention to stay is not determined by the mere fact that a natural person is inhabited for a certain period of time in his own house or in a foreign house, nor by a civil residence in a place acquired therefore if he has his dwelling in another part, or by other circumstances, it follows that the residence is accidental, such as that of the traveller or that of the person who: who exercises a temporary commission, or that whom he deals with in itinerant traffic.

[Art. 79 C.C.] With regard to the residence of natural persons, article 76 of the Civil Code states: we know the types of residence of persons, because with them we enjoy a personality trait that serves to identify a person where he lives and exercises his rights, we all have the right to freely choose our own place of residence. Through residency is voluntary if a person is allowed to voluntarily determine his place of residence, if he is of age and endowed with the ability to make this decision responsibly. The civil residence of a person is the place in the national territory where he is located by law and where he acts lawfully and exercises his rights and obligations [art. 77 C.C.]. In practice, this domicile is the link between a subject and one of the municipalities or districts in which the country is divided, so that those who live in urban and rural areas reside there. Since it is a concept and not a reality, the home remains despite the real mobility of the individual, and therefore a person who travels keeps his home in the usual place of permanence, with the exception of people with a snail`s mind who go from one place to another with all their belongings. The question of domicile is important because it teaches us what type of domicile exists as a civil and political residence and can therefore distinguish us more easily, we are also talking about the residence of minors than the place of residence of their parents. Submitted by; Jhon jairo castro why is it so important to establish people`s homes? Since the law stipulates that for certain judicial, political, legal, administrative, etc. acts the place where the question arises must be determined, it is the one that defines or determines the territorial jurisdiction of the judge competent to settle the dispute. What are the requirements for the home??? A person who is outside his or her home is a passer-by [s.

75 C.C.]. Lina Marcela Gonzalezque is happy to have learned what people`s Domocilio really means or what it means and what types of homes exist, because until the day the teacher gave us this course, I had no idea of the true meaning of this quality that the person possesses. Thank you profe The home consists of the residence, which is really or probably accompanied by the spirit of staying there. My professor of criminal procedure law once told me that the vehicle I am travelling in is also intended to serve as an address. I wish someone could support that assessment. Thank you very much. QUESTION: Can a legal person prove its residence in a place other than that of its principal residence, that is, through its agencies or branches, could it be said that the company that has its principal residence in Medellin also has an address in Cali by opening a branch or agency in Cali? The place where a person sits or habitually practises his profession or place of work determines his civil residence or district. [Article 78 C. Article 28 of the National Constitution lays down the principle of freedom and inviolability of residence, according to which the search of a person`s place of residence is permitted only if there is a written order of the competent judicial authority issued in accordance with the legal formalities and for a reason previously provided for by law. Exceptionally, in the case of flagrante delicto and if the perpetrator seeks refuge in his own home, law enforcement officers may enter it for the sole act of arrest, and in the event that the perpetrator enters the house of someone else on the flight, this will be done with the permission of the resident (article 32 of the Political Constitution of Colombia). The domicile consists of the domicile, which is actually or probably accompanied by the intention to remain there.

Civil society residence refers to a specific part of a Union place or territory. The place where a person has his head office or where he habitually practises his profession determines his civil residence or his ward. Civil residence is not displaced by the fact that the person voluntarily or forcibly resides in another place for a long time and keeps his family and the headquarters of his business in the previous residence. Civil residence is not displaced by the fact that the person voluntarily or forcibly resides in another place for a long time and keeps his family and the headquarters of his business in the previous residence. The plurality of residences, if they occur in several territorial sections, in relation to the same person, circumstances that constitute a civil residence, is considered to have it in each of them. At the same time, it is compiled what is related to the negative hypothesis of the spirit of permanence; presumption of the spirit of permanence; presumption of residence due to proximity; Effects of residence and residence, to the extent that they depend on the person`s marital status or marital status.

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