8 of Swords Legal Matters

The Eight of Swords can also offer punishment or face the consequences of the measures taken. Swords deal with justice and law, so if you`ve been involved in sneaky cases or criminal activity, this card may suggest having to pay for your crimes. If you are involved in court settlements, arrests or legal proceedings, you may be convicted and sentenced or face trial. Lawsuits and judgments may be brought against you. The Eight of Swords may also indicate that it is involved in legal issues and treaties from which it is difficult to escape or which continue indefinitely. A strip of white cloth loosely attaches her arms – it is obvious that she could easily break free if she tried. Eight long swords are planted vertically around her in an uneven and rushed semicircle, but she seems paralyzed by the fear of cutting herself off. A woman is tied up in a cage of swords and blindfolded. It`s the “if you do it, if you don`t”. card.

The queen is in a situation where they are afraid to move. When they move, they are cut off. However, the ropes that tie them, the blindfold over the eyes, are their own fears that keep them motionless, motionless. And the longer they stay, the more they limit themselves and catch up. If the Eight of the Exchanged Swords represents justice and law, it can represent liberation from imprisonment or imprisonment. Her release may be due to the fact that she has been found innocent or after a sentence has been served. A jury may rule in your favor or you may win a long, stressful trial. When it comes to legal contracts, you`ll eventually find a loophole that will give you a way out of the close bond.

In the extreme aspect of these eight, someone can literally get away with a blue murder if the culprit is released or if an innocent person is convicted and fired. There may be a prison escape. The last time we saw him, he left, away from the battle, with a heavy bag of coins. Traitors reward. He had been arrogant and complacent and thought he was so smart and could get away with anything. He had planned to continue in this endeavour; Doing sneaky illegal business, lying, manipulating, slandering others, all of which is really about making money and making connections. He saw himself as someone powerful and respected, but in reality, he was an ordinary thief who even a thief could not trust. He had continued this way for a while and had managed to do well financially.

He had made a considerable profit from his illegal trade, but he had become sloppy. He didn`t cover his tracks as carefully as before, even suspecting for a moment that he was falling into a trap during his last mission when he sold stolen goods to a new buyer on the edge of the forest. As we have seen in many sword cards, the spirit can play tricks on us. In the Eight of Swords, we see one of the most damaging consequences: the immobilization of insecurity. The Eight of Swords shows a blindfolded woman surrounded by eight swords. Her arms are tied behind her and tied to her body with the same bandage with which she is blinded. Although the limitation of the eight is meant to transform, there are disadvantages and disadvantages. The Eight of Swords is just that. This is what happens when you try to limit words or thoughts.

The motivation behind this can be high so as not to hurt feelings or to focus thoughts on divine things rather than inferior things. But what happens in the end is that either literally (with censorship) or figuratively, the queen feels like she can`t say or think anything. Therefore, the card asks you to have the courage to speak or face what is said about you. To move and try to overtake the swords. The more silent and still you stay, the worse. The way out of this cycle is to balance your mind and spirit. Realize that you are actually an extremely creative person who is absolutely capable of coping with her life and can have anything she wants. The mind will open to you to include extensions of your personal self with a partner and children, as well as the need to expand your circle of close friends. You need to stretch beyond your comfort level. The first reaction you have to new situations is to close your eyes and hide because there are so many things to do. But you have to face these challenges if you hope to escape death with swords. Consider learning how to break the habit of indulging in these medications so that you can perpetuate your own health.

Some medications are important for survival, that`s true, but some take medication just to blunt life. If so, look for the health of addiction. The Eight of Swords gives this recommendation so that you can take control of your life before things get worse. Although your metaphorical bonds loosen, you are still very careful with your environment. You begin to understand that the swords around you are not a real threat, but you often remember how sharp they are, how dangerous they could be. I just drew a map for you. The star. Never give up hope for happiness.

You seek freedom on many levels and are currently not allowed to express the person you really are. Your gifts, talents, hopes and dreams must not shine. You have to hold on to the wonderful star-building power and believe that your day will shine. You`re right, your environment isn`t as healthy as it should be. Everything is there for you, the person you are is under this close bond of the Eight Swords. The star heals a disturbed mind, body and soul. If it`s a prison you did yourself, then much of the work will depend on you. However, the Sword Eight often need outside help to escape these swords. Good luck. The eight swords in a result/future position are connected to our own limits in life. In a positive spread, the result may indicate that these are emotional upheavals and that you will not give up and that you have to face the truth of the issue. The emphasis is also on over-analyzing the elements, and this becomes a cycle of problems.

In the future, it`s likely that you still won`t see the things you don`t want to see. If she could really see what happened in the past, there is no reason for her to continue. In terms of analogy, it tells you that in the future, you should open your eyes to all the things that have tried to hold you back. It`s so good, I`ve studied Tarot for many years, but never before have I encountered something as good and profound as this, the story you told from beginning to end, and all this makes sense, I read cards and I want it in the future, and I am a master with knowledge, but things like these help me to better understand the cards and give a better reading, and to learn more for the future, thank you, I enjoyed writing this, it must have taken a long time for you to write it, I enjoyed reading everything, I also have a question of reconciliation and the eight swords appeared and I am a sign of air, I wonder if I should stay or leave, and I think since it was a reading for him and me, he feels the same way, I don`t want to close the book, but I feel trapped by my own emotions and my mind and I know I caught myself here. I love it Awesome. But there are also these 8 swords, which have everything to do with this desperate, helpless, trapped, mentally deficient person that I had to be long enough before. Am I interpreting this card correctly when I interpret this card as the underlying theme? It seemed to fit well with this 4th card on many other occasions? Thank you for your reply Vivien. Yes, my first reaction was the eight swords telling me to protect myself/not to become intimate with her; and I have great concerns because the man I know had to deal with him would not care about protection. The other guy I suspect is the same; Not only that, but also the kind of women they are intimate with. I just go with my instincts and stay away. In addition, it has already appeared as a power card, and I know that strength has to do with health problems. You need to find a balance between your self-limiting tendencies and the rush for confidence that comes with success.

Remember, swords are still there, but you can easily avoid them if you have the confidence to do so. A woman, tied up and deceived, with the swords of the card around her. This is more of a card of temporary difficulty than an irrecoverable slavery. It`s a card about questioning every word, maybe even worrying about your own thoughts and what they say about you. In the real world, this could indicate extreme social or legal censorship, fears of being restricted for insulting a person or group, fears of being crushed for disagreements. A bit like the devil, this card gives us a bondage image. A figure with his hands handcuffed, blindfolded, surrounded by sharp swords – it`s a hard picture to see. Hi Vivien.

I wanted to draw a card to see if this woman I was interested in loved me/was physically attracted to me. I also planned to draw a card to get advice based on whether she liked me or not/was physically attracted to me. Now I have known this woman for years through mutual collaborators, and she is about 6 or 7 years older than me. I`ve been trying to get along with her for a while, but the timing seems to be wrong. I know a man she`s slept with as an intermittent thing for a long time, and I have a hunch about another guy she might sleep with. I knew these two men (both older than me) and both are known to sleep a lot when you get my drift. Over the past few weeks, I have had concerns about it, with respect to STDs; I wondered if it was worth it or not, based on my concerns about a possible disease, which is why I drew a card. So I started reading if she “loved me/was physically attracted to me?” with the Rider Waite Deck; So I pulled the king out of the cups and got stuck, like I`ve done before, when I asked if she liked me or not, but I really didn`t know what that meant. So when I picked up my bridge, the queen of cups jumped; I took this as a sign, but not with certainty.

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